MBTI 職業性格測試
Results....wow so many words... =S
分析:您的性格類型是「ESFP」( 表演型 )
外向,友善,包容。熱愛生活、人類和物質上的享受。喜歡與別人共事。在工作上,講究常識和實用性,注意現實的情況,使工作富趣味性。富靈活性、即興性,自 然不做作,易接受新朋友和適應新環境。與別人一起學習 新技能可以達到最佳的學習效果。 ESFP型的人樂意與人相處,有一種真正的生活熱情。他們頑皮活潑,通過真誠和玩笑使別人感到事情更加有趣。 ESFP型的人脾氣隨和、適應性強,熱情友好和慷慨大方。他們擅長交際,常常是別人的「注意中心」。他們熱 情而樂於合作地參加各種活動和節目,而且通常立刻能應對幾種活動。 ESFP型的人是現實的觀察者,他們按照事物的本身去對待並接受它們。他們往往信任自己能夠聽到、聞到、觸摸和看到的事物,而不是依賴於理論上的 解釋。因為他們喜歡具體的事實,對於細節有很好的記憶力,所以他們能從親身的經歷中學到最好的東西。共同的感覺給予他們與人和物相處的實際能力。他們喜歡 收集信息,從中觀察可能自然出現的解決方法。 ESFP型的 人對於自我和他人都能容忍和接受,往往不會試圖把自己的願望強加於他人。ESFP型的人通融和有同情心,通常許多人都真心地喜歡他們。他們能夠讓別人採納 他們的建議,所以他們很擅於幫助衝突的各方重歸於好。他們 尋求他人的陪伴,是很好的交淡者。他們樂於幫助旁人,偏好以真實有形的方式給予協助。ESFP型的人天真率直,很有魅力和說服力。他們喜歡意料不到的事 情,喜歡尋找給他人帶來愉快和意外驚喜的方法。
您適合的領域有:消費類商業、服務業領域 廣告業、娛樂業領域 旅遊業、社區服務等
- 公關專業人士
- 勞工關係調解人
- 零售經理
- 商品規劃師
- 團隊培訓人員
- 旅遊項目經營者
- 演員
- 特別事件的協調人
- 社會工作者
- 旅遊銷售經理
- 融資者
- 保險代理╱經紀人
- 幼教老師
- 職業策劃咨詢師
- 旅遊管理/導遊
- 促銷員
- 海洋生物學家
- 精品店、商場銷售人員
- 娛樂、餐飲業客戶經理
- 房地產銷售人員
- 汽車銷售人員
- 市場營銷人員(消費類產品)
- 廣告企業中的設計師
- 創意人員
- 客戶經理
- 時裝設計和表演人員
- 攝影師
- 節目主持人
- 脫口秀演員
- 社區工作人員
- 自願工作者
- 公共關係專家
- 健身和運動教練
- 醫護人員
now comes the english version...many words also =S
ESFP Personality
ESFP is the abbreviated form of Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Perception and is one of the sixteen personality types. It is used in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that has been developed by renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung.
ESFPs love people and like to have new experiences. They are fun and lively and they enjoy being the main attraction of every event. They relish excitement and love drama in lives. They have strong inter-personal skills and might as well find the role of a pacemaker for themselves quite frequently. As they prefer to make their decisions with their own personal values, they are generally sympathetic as well as concerned for the well-being of other people. They are warm and generous too. They are observant about others too. However, they do not like future planning and theory.
Their Strengths
- They are fun-loving and enthusiastic, they can make things enjoyable for everyone
- They are witty, clever, popular and direct
- They are sensual and earthy
- They are practical and down to earth, they can take care of their daily needs
- They are creative and artistic
- They are diverse and flexible
- They try to make the most out of every moment
- They are warm-hearted and generous
Their Weaknesses
- They are risky and frivolous with money
- They are materialistic
- They hate criticism
- They prefer to escape or ignore conflicts
- They do not pay much attention to their needs
- They tend to neglect their health
ESFPs are great entertainers – they can entertain people o the stage, at home, at work and almost everywhere. Social gatherings can give them a boost too. They are spontaneous and optimistic individuals and they love to have fun all the time. For them, the entire world is like a stage and they love to be the center of attention.
ESFPs generally love people and they are also loved by everyone for the kind of nature they have. They can accept anyone and everyone, which is a natural gift. They are enthusiastic and upbeat and are genuinely like everybody. They are unfailingly generous and warm when with friends and are a treat for all their friends. However, if crossed, they can prove to be stubborn and judgmental.
ok...i have changed so so much.....omg! :D :D :Dmiss me?do u?
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