Thursday, December 31, 2009
for this little encouragement after a little unhappy incident this afternoon....
another first time in the last day of 2009....
i m really thankful for that and it really encourage me to reach towards my goals!!!
give me the power!!!! ROARS!!!!
to hell those idiots 王八蛋!!! your guys will regret it!!! 你们一定会后悔的!!!
i shall shine,in the coming years with joy,with pride!!! ;D ;D ;D
happy 2010 year to ME,MYSELF, I!!!
so fast, a new year is approaching...
2009....many things,many people.....many first time...
its an experience...i do hope i appreciate it,maybe or maybe not....
but still really wanna say thanks...
will still miss some people...esp those i have not seen for some time...
i do hope that there are more fun,meaningful experiences coming in 2010...
smiles everyone ;D :D ;D
Friday, December 25, 2009
finally i have got those pictures uploaded...
i went orchard to get things done on 3dec at the same time took some christmas lightings...
the next few pics.....much better abit.....i just took for fun...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
due to this damn blogger refusing to upload my pictures....
Generated on Thu, 24 Dec 2009 01:27:03 -0800
Existing Situation
Feels her position is threatened or not properly recognized by others and feels defensive. Determined to go after her goals despite her fear of bringing conflict upon himself.Stress Sources
"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones she choices to give himself."Restrained Characteristics
"Feels she is getting less than she deserves for all her hard work; however, she makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."Feels unhappy and isolated because she is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding she desires.
"Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic, but needs reassurance from others. Has strict standards when looking for a partner and wants guarantees that she will not be disappointed or lose."
Desired Objective
"Finds pleasure in the finer things of life. Wishes to over-indulge in a lavish, luxurious lifestyle."Actual Problem
Longs the freedom to make her own decisions and plans without the criticism and restrictions of others. Uses her charm to deal with others and get what she wants.alrights pictures later on.....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
here is the lyrics of a new song that i like...黄鸿升 玩具枪与玫瑰 from his latest album Love Hero 爱 & 英雄
不可以流淚 不值得留戀
冷笑的間諜 沒有在管明天
沒有永晝 沒有永夜
絕望的獨唱 想你的音浪
讓我們喜歡 無止境的遺忘
沒有永晝 沒有永夜
沒有永晝 沒有永夜
nice one of my favorite song ... :D ;D :D
now now now i cant slp.....screamssss!!!!!! edited lyrics...cos many wrong words..taken from youtube
Sunday, December 20, 2009
yes, i m back! not from holiday...i dont have such good life...
i finally found my service pack 2 cd last thursday so ya i managed to get back online...
2 good news..
i m getting my xiao nan you soon!!! yay!!!
i can upload pictures very soon!!! double yayness!!!
alrights thats about it....updates will come very very soon.... :D ;D ;D
Sunday, October 25, 2009
i m blur alrdy......
first have to wish felicia chin a happy bday!!!late abit cos i couldnt get online....haha i left a comment on her blog too...hope she sees her since quite long ago n even saw her once at my hse void deck filming show...hope to have a chance to see her in real life... :D
feeling !@#$^& but still i will hold on to my beliefs and hope to stay with it.....i will succeed!!! smiles :D :D :D
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
i got scared out of my wits(correct usage of words?)
Time: ard 4something pm
Location: bus stop near upp thomson ( i m on the bus )
the whole me jus feeling tired n unwell...maybe other ppl might not feel much but its jus cling onto me for so long...its not becos i experienced it b4 but maybe feels bad for them...
Incident: i saw the guy/gal (i dun know is guy or gal) pushing away a gal whose trying to hug him/her v tightly...i looked at them is cos i thought they will like normal couples hugging...but the gal was crying badly n the guy/gal pushed her away v hard...i c le also feel heart pain...the guy/gal simply moved away ignoring her n kept looking at his/her hp...
after that no idea wat happened alrdy cos my bus drove off...
going to %!!(#()!@& alrdy makes me feel unwell alrdy plus this incident...the whole of my yest was real i feel slpy also...luckily no garment if not gua gua gua!!!
HAHAHA....still smiles ppl :D :D :D
Saturday, September 19, 2009
many many more...super bored till screamssssss n headache >.<
heres mine...
You are Purple Panther who tends to be precautious, and unlike your gentle atmosphere you are strong-minded and courageous woman.
You don't listen to other people, and carry out with your opinion.
Although you don't possess coolness to see things objectively, and analyze subjects intelligently, you have great natural instinct.
You have flexible thoughts, and can lead life with perseverance.
You will not miss opportunity.
You can adapt and sort out difficulties that you come across.
You can face the things that interest you with unusual effort and spirit, but you will not even try to see those things that you are not interested.
You seem like a gentle and kind person, but really you possess lots of problems and are always struggling within yourself.
People are unable to understand your complicated feelings.
This increase your problems further.
You are a person with great dreams and are active and possess straight forward baldness.
You can show this talent in your career.
You will not be able to stay quietly at home as a housewife.
more to come n i m so freaking bored!!!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
going to change my blog banner aft i update this...
(credits) i cut the wallpaper taken from
this website has got many pretty wallpapers...i do hope they make blog banners also...becos i aint good at doing tat...if not i can have my unique banner done by myself...PRETTY!!!
and and and i m going get a wallpaper frm there everyone who see this post,check out the website....
and and and and support my blog also!!! :D :D :D
heres the wallpaper....i do wish i dun need to resize becos its so pretty enough!!! got the feel!!! SPRING! :D :D :D
oops i realise it looks small in here....but still i like it...
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
i m really so so bored!
S took the free personality test! "Seeks to be known for something she has accomplish..." Click here to read the rest of the results. |
Existing Situation
Feels there are barriers between herself and the essential things she desires.Stress Sources
"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. her need to feel dominate and superior leaves her feeling isolated and does not allow for her to give freely of himself. she would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness she must not give in to. Holding back will allow her to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."Restrained Characteristics
"Feels she is getting less than she deserves for all her hard work; however, she makes no effort to change things and tries to make the best of the situation."Emotionally distant even from those closest to her.
"Feels she is carry more than her share of problems. she is flexible and laid back, sticking to her goals and working to overcome any difficulty."
"Feels she is carry more than her share of problems. she is flexible and laid back, sticking to her goals and working to overcome any difficulty."
He is being forced to be happiness and pleasure on hold for new due to her limiting circumstances.
Desired Objective
Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic.Actual Problem
"Impressed by unique and one of a kind things, and by people with exceptional personalities. Tries to takes the characteristics she likes in other people and apply it to herself as well as coming across as a unique individual.":D :D :D
MBTI 職業性格測試 so many words... =S
分析:您的性格類型是「ESFP」( 表演型 )
外向,友善,包容。熱愛生活、人類和物質上的享受。喜歡與別人共事。在工作上,講究常識和實用性,注意現實的情況,使工作富趣味性。富靈活性、即興性,自 然不做作,易接受新朋友和適應新環境。與別人一起學習 新技能可以達到最佳的學習效果。 ESFP型的人樂意與人相處,有一種真正的生活熱情。他們頑皮活潑,通過真誠和玩笑使別人感到事情更加有趣。 ESFP型的人脾氣隨和、適應性強,熱情友好和慷慨大方。他們擅長交際,常常是別人的「注意中心」。他們熱 情而樂於合作地參加各種活動和節目,而且通常立刻能應對幾種活動。 ESFP型的人是現實的觀察者,他們按照事物的本身去對待並接受它們。他們往往信任自己能夠聽到、聞到、觸摸和看到的事物,而不是依賴於理論上的 解釋。因為他們喜歡具體的事實,對於細節有很好的記憶力,所以他們能從親身的經歷中學到最好的東西。共同的感覺給予他們與人和物相處的實際能力。他們喜歡 收集信息,從中觀察可能自然出現的解決方法。 ESFP型的 人對於自我和他人都能容忍和接受,往往不會試圖把自己的願望強加於他人。ESFP型的人通融和有同情心,通常許多人都真心地喜歡他們。他們能夠讓別人採納 他們的建議,所以他們很擅於幫助衝突的各方重歸於好。他們 尋求他人的陪伴,是很好的交淡者。他們樂於幫助旁人,偏好以真實有形的方式給予協助。ESFP型的人天真率直,很有魅力和說服力。他們喜歡意料不到的事 情,喜歡尋找給他人帶來愉快和意外驚喜的方法。
您適合的領域有:消費類商業、服務業領域 廣告業、娛樂業領域 旅遊業、社區服務等
- 公關專業人士
- 勞工關係調解人
- 零售經理
- 商品規劃師
- 團隊培訓人員
- 旅遊項目經營者
- 演員
- 特別事件的協調人
- 社會工作者
- 旅遊銷售經理
- 融資者
- 保險代理╱經紀人
- 幼教老師
- 職業策劃咨詢師
- 旅遊管理/導遊
- 促銷員
- 海洋生物學家
- 精品店、商場銷售人員
- 娛樂、餐飲業客戶經理
- 房地產銷售人員
- 汽車銷售人員
- 市場營銷人員(消費類產品)
- 廣告企業中的設計師
- 創意人員
- 客戶經理
- 時裝設計和表演人員
- 攝影師
- 節目主持人
- 脫口秀演員
- 社區工作人員
- 自願工作者
- 公共關係專家
- 健身和運動教練
- 醫護人員
now comes the english version...many words also =S
ESFP Personality
ESFP is the abbreviated form of Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Perception and is one of the sixteen personality types. It is used in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that has been developed by renowned psychiatrist Carl G. Jung.
ESFPs love people and like to have new experiences. They are fun and lively and they enjoy being the main attraction of every event. They relish excitement and love drama in lives. They have strong inter-personal skills and might as well find the role of a pacemaker for themselves quite frequently. As they prefer to make their decisions with their own personal values, they are generally sympathetic as well as concerned for the well-being of other people. They are warm and generous too. They are observant about others too. However, they do not like future planning and theory.
Their Strengths
- They are fun-loving and enthusiastic, they can make things enjoyable for everyone
- They are witty, clever, popular and direct
- They are sensual and earthy
- They are practical and down to earth, they can take care of their daily needs
- They are creative and artistic
- They are diverse and flexible
- They try to make the most out of every moment
- They are warm-hearted and generous
Their Weaknesses
- They are risky and frivolous with money
- They are materialistic
- They hate criticism
- They prefer to escape or ignore conflicts
- They do not pay much attention to their needs
- They tend to neglect their health
ESFPs are great entertainers – they can entertain people o the stage, at home, at work and almost everywhere. Social gatherings can give them a boost too. They are spontaneous and optimistic individuals and they love to have fun all the time. For them, the entire world is like a stage and they love to be the center of attention.
ESFPs generally love people and they are also loved by everyone for the kind of nature they have. They can accept anyone and everyone, which is a natural gift. They are enthusiastic and upbeat and are genuinely like everybody. They are unfailingly generous and warm when with friends and are a treat for all their friends. However, if crossed, they can prove to be stubborn and judgmental.
ok...i have changed so so much.....omg! :D :D :Dmiss me?do u?
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Very Innocent People, Very Irritating People, Very Idiotic People...
nowadays my reaction is real slow....
i think i got depression...
i cant slp well...
i feels moody when i m at work...
i feels as if i m alone...n more?
is it signs of it?
oh shit...
i realise i have been forgetting stuffs...
be it the good n bad ones...
is it a gd sign?
maybe gd cos my brain wont have so much rubbish...hahaha......
towards a better future? i really hope so....:D :D :D
now my super duper old pics...due to the fact tat i only transferred it to my comp not long ago

here i self cooked fried rice....looks nice,right? YES,COS ITS COOKED BY ME :D
taken on 2 aug 2008 at 12.49am...OMG SO LONG AGO...n its for supper...

of course the real thing looks nicer,cos my camera skills not gd....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
i m so so curious about my i decided to check
this is wat i did dream b4....
To dream that you are in a classroom, indicates that you may be learning an important life lesson. Alternatively, it symbolizes personal growth. You are learning something about yourself.
To dream that you are looking for a classroom, suggests that you need to expand your knowledge and learning.
To dream of grocery or convenience store, suggests that you are emotionally and mentally strained. Alternatively, you may be brainstorming for new ideas or looking for the various choices out there for you.
To see God in your dream, signifies your spirituality and expression of your feelings about divinity. God also symbolizes an untouchable, unreachable, and unattainable notion of perfection. Thus such a dream may highlight your struggles and attempts with trying to be perfect.
To dream that you are worshipping God, signifies repentance of your actions and errors.
To dream that God speaks to you, signifies feelings of guilt, eternal punishment, and damnation. To dream that you are a god, implies your own special talents which you have not yet recognized or have not fully developed. Alternatively, it suggests your feelings of superiority over others. You think you are above others and have a tendency to look down on people.
rawrssss.....more to come.... ;)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
oh my gosh!!! i m not yet slp........
oh wells i m so so hungry but there is nothing to eat......
so how?
all pictures are taken from google image.......
actually i did dream abt something related to my pillow...hugging n dreaming of it...when i woke up i was like wow...haha :D funny....
Monday, May 11, 2009
There are 10 letters in your name.
Those 10 letters total to 50
There are 6 vowels and 4 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 5
The characteristics of #5 are: Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom.
The expression or destiny for #5:
The number 5 Expression endows with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You can do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is constructive freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you will likely be the master of adaptability and change. You are good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this gives you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Your popularity may lead you toward some form of entertainment or amusement. Whatever you do, you are clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.
If there is too much of the 5 energy in your makeup, you may express some the negative attitudes of the number. Your restless and impatient attitude may keep you from staying with any project for too long. Sometimes you can be rather erratic and scatter yourself and your energies. You have a hard time keeping regular office hours and maintaining any sort of a routine. You tend to react strongly if you sense that your freedom of speech or action is being impaired or restricted in any way. As clever as you are, you may have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again because much of your response is glib reaction rather that thoughtful application. You are in a continuous state of flux brought by constantly changing interests.
Your Soul Urge number is: 8
A Soul Urge number of 8 means:
With an 8 soul urge, you have a natural flair for big business and the challenges imposed by the commercial world. Power, status and success are very important to you. You have strong urges to supervise, organize and lead. Material desires are also very pronounced. You have good executive abilities, and with these, confidence, energy and ambition.
Your mind is analytical and judgment sound; you're a good judge of material values and also human character. Self-controlled, you rarely let emotions cloud judgment. You are somewhat of an organizer at heart, and you like to keep those beneath you organized and on a proper track. This is a personality that wants to lead, not follow. You want to be known for your planning ability and solid judgment.
The negative aspects of the 8 soul urge are the often dominating and exacting attitude. You may have a tendency to be very rigid, sometimes stubborn.
Your Inner Dream number is: 6
An Inner Dream number of 6 means:
You dream of guiding and fostering the perfect family in the perfect home. You crave the devotion from offspring and a loving spouse. You picture yourself in the center of a successful domestic unit.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
in this life,in this reality world......the only person who u can depend on,is u,urself and still YOU!!!!
yes....when u really need help,who can help u? no one will stand out,esp if it is some 'dirty' job....
humans.maybe are born selfish!!! who cares if u r dead....who cares if u r alive.....oh well
jus do remember.....take care of urselves.....mentally,physically..... swine flu on the attack...its getting nearer.... :S
*to myself* SMILES!!!!!! :D :D :D alot alot more.......
Saturday, April 18, 2009
i do dream of this quite often....(i got it from a gal's blog)
haha...quite true for me cos i m so particular about my looks n how others see me....
"My Teeth Are Falling"
Dreams that your teeth are falling out are the most common dreams. Common dream scenarios include having your teeth crumbling in your hands or your teeth falling out one by one with just a light tap. Such dreams are not only horrifying and shocking, but often leaves the dreamer with a lasting image of the dream. So what does it mean?
One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and your teeth play an important role in conveying that image. Teeth are used in the game of flirtations, whether it be a dazzling and gleaming smile or affectionate necking. These dreams may stem from a fear of your sexual impotence or the consequences of getting old. Teeth are an important feature of our attractiveness and presentation to others. Everybody worries about how they appear to others. Caring about our appearance is natural and healthy.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
some quizzes results...
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Disappointment You are a fun-loving, energetic, and cheerful person. You love adrenaline rushes, and going out at night. You constantly have to be having a great time to feel completely happy. Your biggest fear is not having anything to do, or having a huge disappointment/let down in your life. You hate being sad, and if something in your life suddenly went wrong it would be extremely hard for you to deal with. Just remember that everyone has to deal with hard times. Stay strong, and pretty soon your fun, party life will get right back the way it used to be. | |
Being Alone | |
Losing Someone | |
Looked down on | |
Commitment | |
Death | |
Where Your life is Going | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
quite accurate....i hate disappointments but i always got it.....WHY? W-H-Y?
hahas.... =S
Sunday, April 12, 2009
alrights i had a dream this afternoon...
its goes like this,i have got a fren name Aaron(watever the spelling)...he is gd-looking and sort of looks abit like 炎亚纶 from 飞轮海....hmm i wonder...but i m so happy to have know a handsome guy in my dream....but well u should know in real life it is the opposite....disappointed?nah...i hope i can jus dun bother about it....

praying for the good things to come by....i need to be bless....
Saturday, April 11, 2009
its like so *TOOT* n *TOOTS*.....oh!!!
anyway i m so stagnant now...i m gonna grow mosquitoes soon...beware oh...
while i was listening to this song, 周杰伦-甜甜的...guess wat my mind is filled with.....

LOLLIPOPS!!!!(pics i took it from google image)
due to the fact tat i m choosy, i cant find a colorful swirl lollipop tat i like so i jus use this....they r nice too......YUMMY!!!
so throughout the song,i was like how the lollipop taste,its looks n blah blah.......i m weird....this song is supposed to be a love song :S......LOL BUT I CANT HELP BUT TO LINK IT TO FOOD!!! ;D
so ya.....hahaha ;D
Thursday, March 05, 2009
i love to see smiles on humans face but i fail to make myself putting a smile on my face all the time...if i m able to achieve it, i m sure i can put the smiles on everyone's face....
i like this song...
最近比较烦 最近情绪很down
但脏话没用 大家只会嫌凶
大家一起大声地说NA NA NA NA NA
改变自己 改变龟毛② 改变小气
要一直 努力努力 永不放弃
才可以 改变世界 come on改变自己
今早起床了 觉得头有点痛
可能是二氧化碳太多 氧气不够
大家一起大声地说NA NA NA NA NA
改变自己 改变龟毛 改变小气
要一直 努力努力 永不放弃
才可以 改变世界 come on改变自己
改变自己 改变龟毛 改变小气
要一直 努力努力 永不放弃
才可以 改变世界 come on 改变自己
change the world and myself.....SO HARD BUT I STILL WANNA DO IT!!!
a very small part taken from
During the past 10 years, I have seen and given consultation to too many people whose emotional blockages affects them in their luck. The 5 main problems that blocks a person from having good luck includes:
1) Unable to let go of the people that has done you wrong
2) Hatred and Jealous
3) Self pity
4) Anger and always say " why my luck never improves"
5) Sadness in relationships
We are human beings. No matter how powerful we are, we may face one of the above problems.
i was like wonder i dont have much good luck.... :S
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
u know its so boring when....
u needa wait for ur show to be loaded,
u try to find someone who u can chat with,
u think of what to eat for supper,
u decide whether to watch tv,
u drag ur time so as not to bath....
yes!~ this is what i need or must do now but.......
i have done NONE of these stuff.....
insane? i dunno....
i only know
i m hungry
i m bored
i m frustrated
i m stuck with suay-ness?
ah i dunno....i need someone to talk to me???
ok i m hungry and random......
gd bye ppl.....
Monday, February 23, 2009
heres mine.. ;)
You are constantly hoping that your good fellowship and attitude and your 'love for your fellow man (or women)' will give you peace of mind. You need people - people around you to care for you and to show you that they care. It is this hope that keeps you going, the hope that makes you the type of person that indeed you are. Your own need for approval seemingly makes you always ready to help others and in exchange you seek love, warmth and understanding. You will always listen to others and you are open to new ideas which hopefully will prove fruitful and interesting.
You are totally dissatisfied with your present situation. Matters are not going right for you and you are seeking a means of escape. Your mental state of mind necessitates that you need to change your thinking patterns. Remember, if one particular modus operandi doesn't seem to work, then try something different.
It is hard for you to accept that your needs and desires are misunderstood by almost everyone within your sphere of influence and there is no one to rely on. Your pent-up emotions and inherent egocentricity make you quick to take offence, but as matters stand you realise that you'll have to make the best of things as they are.
You are trying to prove yourself - not only to yourself but also to everyone around you. There is much that you would like to say and do but the situation warrants self-restraint and that is the last thing that you have on your mind. It would seem that you have an unsatisfied need to ally yourself with others whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to stand out from the crowd. This is subjecting you to considerable stress but you tend to stick to your attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Of course, you are finding the situation uncomfortable and would like nothing better but to break away from it but you don't like the idea of compromise. Your main problem is that you are unable to resolve the situation because you continually postpone making the necessary decisions. You feel that if you make the wrong choice this would lead to such opposition that you would not be able to command the esteem of others. It is essential that those around you are prepared to comply with your wishes.
You feel that you need to move on. You feel that you are not appreciated or valued for what you are and that the time is 'now'. Failure to do so will not afford you the conditions to prove your worth.
haha...its fun so tryyyyyyyyyy .... :D
Friday, January 02, 2009
hows the first day of 2009?
ok i thing i know is recently i m back to listening to songs and watching mv i listen i jus have the urge to write something or anything to let others know my feelings and life all these years...write songs tat have education value are great too...ok i m already dreaming when i m not even cool...
if whatever u do is not acceptable,what actions are acceptable?i really find it frustrating to hear it u know like so ya some says,forget it,one ear in the other ear out...haha saying is easy how about actions?
random-ness....sometimes i wish...

but if it is something like...

i still wanna say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!! BEEEPBEEEP!!!WHISTLE!!! :D